There are some who call me… Tim? Pronouns they/them. Former astrophysicist, current poet and storyteller, perpetual weirdo.
I intend to follow Mary Oliver’s Instructions for living a life:
1. Pay attention.
2. Be astonished.
3. Tell about it.
You are invited to follow along on my poetic life journey. This web page is mostly a blog where I irregularly share my poetry, recaps of adventures and general musings. For the most part I write in English, but occasional Swedish may occur. It’s been alive for 14 years and counting, although (like me) it has gone through some shape-shifting along the way.
For the latest posts, scroll down on this page. If you’re looking for a specific topic or post, you can find a search box and a tag cloud in the sidebar on this page.
If you’re curious about other pieces of art or science I’ve scattered across the internet, do take a look at my list of creations.
Well met, until our paths cross in Cyberspace or Meatspace. (Meatspace is my favourite, really. Hope to smell and touch you at some point.)