• LinCon and the awesomeness of reality

    Another gaming convention come and gone. Another weekend of feeling utterly at home and enjoying every second of good company and board games and general geekiness. Even the signature social panic managed to stay away this time. Might be a one-time lucky accident, or I might have leveled up on…

  • How to keep sane in times of stress

    “It hadn’t been a good day; sanity was a distant memory.” — Terry Pratchett (Pyramids) Another weekend past. As usual I didn’t finish a third of the things I set out to do. Ye gods, remind me to never study more than 100 % at the same time ever again.…

  • Vegan ice cream, IKEA, and fear of growing up

    Still busy as hell, therefore lack of updates. The weekend did offer some nice and well-needed distractions, though. Played an awesome concert with the orchestra. Included in the repertoire was Dvořák’s ninth symphony, which was fun and engaging to play. Got a visit from mom, who brought with her an…

  • Successes!

    Hello blog. Oh, and hello blog readers. Happy news! I passed a whole bunch of exams! This term has been the best with respect to results so far for me, but also the most intense and difficult one. I guess that insane amount of studying actually paid off. Just a…

  • On my loss of wisdom(teeth)

    Long time no update, huh. Guess that pesky “real life” had me absorbed for a while again. Ah well, back to forgetting about its miseries by… whining about them here? Had a really lovely time at the dentist, got a wisdom-tooth pulled out, root and all. Guess I was more…

  • Time of Winter

    And so the clock was winded back an hour and winter time was re-conquered. Bloody finally. Summer time is stupid and should be abandoned forever. Summer is miserable enough as it is, so why bother fiddling with the clock and destroying the nice, dark evenings of potential stargazing? Mlah. Anyway,…

  • Wish I was somewhere else

    In good news: I passed the oral exam on atomic physics! In awesome news: I passed the oral exam on atomic physics with honors! I am not quite sure how this happened. Mostly luck, as in being asked the right questions, I suspect. Nevertheless, it’s a hell of a self-confidence boost! In…

  • It’s alive! (No, really!)

    Wow. Time flies faster than pigs with wings. My poor blog even had its one-year birthday, and it went by entirely unnoticed! I was thinking, like so many times before, that maybe it should be time to start blogging on a more or less regular basis again. Because I am…

  • Dag 20: Den här månaden

    Augusti, som snart är slut. Har för min del präglats av sommarjobb och tentaplugg. Jobbandet var riktigt kul, och jag klarade tentan med förvånansvärt gott resultat, trots att det var matte, så det här har varit en bra månad. I morgon börjar höstterminen. Jag är exalterad och så taggad som…

  • Självdisciplin — går det att äta?

    Lägenheten är städad och skrubbad in i minsta detalj. Disken är diskad och det finns nybakta kakor, bullar och bröd. Tvätten är tvättad och strumporna är strukna. Har lärt mig laga sufflé och till och med börjat motionera. Dessa fenomen brukar vara typiska symptom på att det är tentatider. Men…