• Recipe: Fake risotto

    I signed up for VeganMoFo this year. Still I haven’t written a single food-related post during September. I’m sorry! Time got tighter than I’d expected, and I chose to prioritise differently. As a tiny attempt to compensation, here’s a super-simple recipe of my own making. I have even served it…

  • Huskur mot förkylning

    Well, strängt taget går inte virusinfektioner att bota, men det finns sätt att göra tillfriskningsprocessen mer uthärdlig. Själv har jag just legat däckad i höstens första förkylning. Underbar tajming i och med att jag dessutom har en hemtenta att skriva. Det går inget vidare bra att tänka genom feberdimmorna. Hur…

  • Recipe: Green Monstrosity

    Have I got a smoothie recipe for you! I made it up all by myself yesterday morning, and I am rather proud of it. It’s green, wicked tasty, and probably so healthy you might start sprouting carrots out of your ears if you don’t watch out. It’s the kind of…

  • Vegan things I don’t eat

    I’ve gone on and on about vegan things to eat this month, so how about flipping the question upside down: what vegan things do I not eat? (Er, vegan things generally considered edible, that is.) I’m actually not all that picky. Well, some would say that being vegan in itself…

  • For the love of pancakes

    My favourite food hasn’t changed since I went vegan. Or since I was a small kid, for that matter. I’ve always been ridiculously fond of pancakes. While it might not be the most wholesome food in the Universe, I still like it so much I gladly eat it several times…

  • Restaurant tip: Kao’s

    Argh, so much to do. Exam period approaching, and I’m swamped. Outlooks for completing VeganMoFo successfully look bleak. Well, I’ll try and there is still time. Time for another restaurant tip! If you happen to be passing by Malmö you should take the time to visit Kao’s. Very nice restaurant…

  • The hardest part of being vegan

    Today is a very busy day for me. Furthermore, it’s an unusually miserable Monday which I’d much rather spend curled up beneath the sheets than studying and meeting people and whatnot. I’ll just do my best to make it through the day, and hope I manage without falling apart mentally…

  • Den perfekta kryddhyllan

    Kryddor är kul! Jag gillar kryddstark mat och tycker om att experimentera med olika kryddkombinationer. Kryddor kan få vilka alldagliga ingredienser som helst att smaka fantastiskt, så även för den som inte är rik nog att ha en stor matbudget kan det vara väl värt att investera i en välfylld…

  • The sound of cooking goes “minnnng!”

    I’ve mentioned before that when going vegan I decided to learn to cook properly. As I’ve said, I’ve practically detested cooking before, and hardly had skills to make anything more advanced than pancakes. Really, I could barely make microwave popcorn without setting off the smoke alarm. I guess I simply…