My job sent me to Japan. They joke at work that I’m becoming the agency’s globetrotter, and I guess it’s mostly true. I am far from complaining. Even though I still, after all these years, turn into a puddle of anxiety before every trip, it’s worth it. I love seeing…
Tag: Veganism
Summing up a decade
The 2010’s have gone by, and I have been blogging (more or less regularly) throughout the entire time. In the same space of time, I’ve lived out my twenties. Ten years is a staggering amount of time, yet it has flown by faster than pigs with wings. I’ve grown and…
Jag har hört rykten om att idag skall vara en stor nationell högtid, nämligen veganpizzadagen. En hel högtidsdag dedikerad till att äta delikata saker (vilket förvisso de flesta högtider tycks gå ut på nu för tiden) är helt klart något jag kan ställa mig bakom. Så dagen till ära skall…
How to wash your hair without shampoo, vegan style
How to wash your hair in a vegan way? Even better, how to do it without using shampoo? It has now been two years since I last washed my hair with shampoo, and I am not planning going back to it anytime soon. There are thousands of ways out there…
Vegan things I don’t eat
I’ve gone on and on about vegan things to eat this month, so how about flipping the question upside down: what vegan things do I not eat? (Er, vegan things generally considered edible, that is.) I’m actually not all that picky. Well, some would say that being vegan in itself…
For the love of pancakes
My favourite food hasn’t changed since I went vegan. Or since I was a small kid, for that matter. I’ve always been ridiculously fond of pancakes. While it might not be the most wholesome food in the Universe, I still like it so much I gladly eat it several times…
Restaurant tip: Kao’s
Argh, so much to do. Exam period approaching, and I’m swamped. Outlooks for completing VeganMoFo successfully look bleak. Well, I’ll try and there is still time. Time for another restaurant tip! If you happen to be passing by Malmö you should take the time to visit Kao’s. Very nice restaurant…
The hardest part of being vegan
Today is a very busy day for me. Furthermore, it’s an unusually miserable Monday which I’d much rather spend curled up beneath the sheets than studying and meeting people and whatnot. I’ll just do my best to make it through the day, and hope I manage without falling apart mentally…
C is for cookies (that’s good enough for me)!
Anybody who knows me could probably confirm that I am a real cookie-monster. I love cookies and sweets of almost all (vegan) varieties. And while cooking food is something I do more out of need than for enjoyment, I think baking cookies is quite fun. Maybe not as fun as…
Watching things grow
I’ve mentioned earlier that since I moved to this great big new apartment this spring, I’ve started experimenting with cultivating vegetables. Thought I might sum up the result of it all. In April the seeds were sown. Radishes, dill, salad, basil and parsley. Small plants were also bought and re-planted…