• Mountains of Madness

    To observe observing observers can be interesting. If for no other reason then for the sheer meta-ness of it. It seems to take a special kind of personality to willingly go away to a faraway island, and spend two weeks at the top of a mountain looking at the Sun…

  • Androgynity, how it itches

    Still insanely busy, but just have to share these anecdotes. So, apparently some people have problems with my somewhat androgynous appearance. This weekend I was walking down the streets of Brussels, when two dude-bros started talking loudly as I walked past. Dude-bro 1: “Is that a guy with long hair,…

  • I can’t keep it in

    I crawl out from under my rock after a week of fever-dazed paralysis. Find a shining sun, spring winds in the air, most of my health back, and an exuberant happiness at life in my heart. If my lungs weren’t still sore from all the coughing I would be running,…

  • LinCon and the awesomeness of reality

    Another gaming convention come and gone. Another weekend of feeling utterly at home and enjoying every second of good company and board games and general geekiness. Even the signature social panic managed to stay away this time. Might be a one-time lucky accident, or I might have leveled up on…

  • Whee

    Huh. I guess there really is such a thing as a win-win situation. A situation where something either will happen—and it will be awesome; or it won’t happen—and it will also be awesome, must count as one, right? Please ignore the awkward punctuation in the previous sentence; I don’t think…

  • Planet-hunt: successful!

    Finally! After persistent observations, I have at last seen Mercury! That elusive little bastard isn’t easy to find if you don’t know where to look. But last friday I had a free evening, almost clear weather and a quite level horizon. Sat and watched the sunset for an hour, and…

  • Meep

    Autumnal equinox come and gone, winter approaching more rapidly by the day. I do so love the winter, and these beautiful autumn days is a wonderful premonition. The cold, crisp air in the mornings, the misty fields, the soon-to-come frost in the grass and the wild winds. Brightly coloured leaves…

  • Sömnprat

    Pluggar desperat inför de kommande tentorna, så tänker inte ta mig tid att skriva något längre inlägg här på ännu en stund. Kan dock dela med mig av en smårolig nattlig händelse från härom veckan. Den här gången skall jag enligt uppgift ha börjat gapskratta i sömnen. Till sist vaknade…