snöfall stjärnfall platt fall trattpall palla jobba orka plugga träplugg husglugg ugh vinter inte viner skiner solsekiner braskaminer brinn brinn brinn försvinn in kyla skyla långkalsong för trång vänta stanna stay vilken grej hej nej Kärlek och ord, Winterdragon
Tag: Trifles
Till er som klagar på vädret
Ni jävlar som klagar på vädret. Som jag avundas er. Tänk det liv där vädret var det största bekymret. Fattar ni inte att ni inte ens skulle kunna leva här om det aldrig regnade? Ta på er lite jävla kläder och gå ut. Känn vattnet mot ögonlocken. Gå in igen,…
A summer without shoes
Inspired by a couple of friends who usually ditch their shoes for the warm part of the year I decided to give it a go this summer. Now I think my barefoot transformation is complete. I almost managed to forget my shoes at a friend’s place a while ago. This…
Imparting wisdom on the next generation
Summer’s job is at an end, and I’m back off to school. I have mentioned that I have the best job, right? Some things I’ve accomplished these past few weeks: Coming home from work covered in coca cola, glitter, cocoa powder and paint. Telling kids about Lund University’s Super Secret…
For the sake of updating
Coming back to life from a cold that had me knocked down for a couple of weeks. Bleh. I spent the fever-dazed time doing productive things such as sleeping, organising my digital bookshelf, losing work-hours, and pimping my blog a little. Look up there! There’s a link to a page…
Love and stuff
Happy Valentine’s day. I was about to feel bitter about the whole thing, but then wonderful people who I’ve had the privilege to befriend practically bombarded me with love. So even after a hard day’s work I’m left with a feeling of thankfulness instead. Even though many of the aspects…
Only passing through?
Perhaps I am going somewhere. Perhaps my journey really does have a destination, but if that’s the case I’m not aware of it yet. And I wouldn’t like you to make that assumption for me. Travelling is a state of being in itself, not only something to be passed through…
One of my favourite webcomics recently came to an end. Check it out. Also, why would anything be less worthwhile just because it is limited in time? Wouldn’t that rather make it more beautiful? Permanence, on the other hand, now that’s a scary thing. Love and transience, Winterdragon
It’s everywhere. It’s bloody everywhere. At bus stops, train stations, bridges. On buses, street-light poles, even on trees. In dark alleys, on brightly-lit streets, all over windows. On cars and bikes. On the outsides of trains, and on the insides too. On the walls of crumbling houses, and even fancy…
Crazy birds
Early morning somewhere in the mountains of Arthur’s pass. The greyish light of a world about to dawn outside the tent. I wake up to a piercing scream that makes the blood curdle in my veins. It sounds like the creature vildvittra from the Swedish movie Ronja Rövardotter. Nightmareish, bird-like creatures…