• Scotland

    Happy new year from Scotland! I’m having a pretty excellent time. There is change and hope and sacredness up on the horizon. Here’s to surviving another one. Love and adventure, Winterdragon

  • En längtan

    En längtan följer mig vart än jag går. Den säger: “kom till mig, för här du finner en kraft långt bortom allt som du förstår.” Så massivt och så fast som berget står, så flyktigt och så lätt som vattnet rinner, en längtan följer mig vart än jag går. Så…

  • Det mytologiska Prag

    Åh vad jag trivs bra i Prag. Hela staden luktar pannkakor och mytologi. Det är nästan som om det fanns en legend om varenda gatsten. Här spankulerar jag runt tillsammans med mina skrivarklasskamrater. Vi har hälsat på Franz Kafka, Tycho Brahe och Antonín Dvořák, för att nämna några beundransvärda personer.…

  • Being ever unprepared

    Suddenly I find myself in Prague. As unprepared as ever. Gods damn it, how can it be that I travel so much and still stress out completely every single time? Flailing around at the last minute, not having fixed half of what I had intended to do before setting out.…

  • A one-way love affair

    Oh, mountains. I haven’t been home for two weeks, and I miss you already. Every time I find myself in mountainous terrain I ask myself why I live in this godforsaken flatland of a place, bereft of forest and all. I’m in love, there’s no doubt about it. The deep,…

  • Midnight sun and snowy peaks

    What is this? Work. A sun that sets at night. A soft bed, hot bath-water, no miles to go before sleep. Reality? I don’t know. The mountains were real, and as always they made me feel so very much alive. I suppose it is good to be home, still I…

  • Till Fjälls!

    Off towards adventures! I have these mountains to investigate. Who knows what they look like underneath the snow? And under the midnight sun, nonetheless! Looking forward to a week of wilderness, and then another week of LARPing. Later, Reality! The mountains are calling And I must go Expect me when…

  • Winter adventure

    So winter came at last, and with it a desire for communion with the frozen wilderness. So a hike was ventured, and in great company too. Through woods of naked trees, over hills and past streams and a lake. Even up onto an ancient volcano. All under a shining winter…

  • Ireland

    Fuck you, 2015. I won’t even bother to recap this year. There has been happiness, but the year in its entirety was tainted by a deep sorrow. I’d rather be looking forwards now. 2016 got off to a good start at least. Being sick and tired of the Christmas and new…