• Summing up a decade

    The 2010’s have gone by, and I have been blogging (more or less regularly) throughout the entire time. In the same space of time, I’ve lived out my twenties. Ten years is a staggering amount of time, yet it has flown by faster than pigs with wings. I’ve grown and…

  • My Feet and the Mountain

    Outside again, at last. My feet are eager to feel the ground, and my lungs to breathe the air. The wind is cold, but friendly, and there is a lot of air to breathe for me today. In, two, three, four, out, two, three, four, five. I take off. The…

  • Running and why it’s worth it

    Somebody told me I have a runner’s body. My first thought was no, a runner’s body would have strong bloody joints that could withstand the mild, repetitive shocks that impact with the ground entails. I’ve come far enough in my training by now that it is essentially my knees and…

  • Novembermorgon

    Ensam vandrar jag längs Vintergatan Genom hål i himlen skymtar det kosmiska ljus  som är källan till livets uppkomst Planeter hänger tunga som mogna frukter  vars visdom vi aldrig smakat I frostbelupen luft andas jag frihet Rådjursben och fågelvingar bär mig genom nuet  in i evigheten Existensen är en hemlighet …

  • Snart blir jag publicerad

    Jag skall bli publicerad! Coolt va? Här är boken som jag tillsammans med cirka femtio andra medlemmar ur klubben Lonesome Runners har skrivit. Den handlar om… löpning! En ganska brokig samling texter om svårigheter, framgångar och allsköns erfarenheter. Min egen text handlar om hur jag använder löpning för att hantera ångest…

  • A summer without shoes

    Inspired by a couple of friends who usually ditch their shoes for the warm part of the year I decided to give it a go this summer. Now I think my barefoot transformation is complete. I almost managed to forget my shoes at a friend’s place a while ago. This…

  • Bare feet and glass splinters

    Life goes on. Feelings abound. Down into the deepest trenches, up into and beyond the sky. All in just a few weeks’ time. Somewhere within the pain and euphoria is the thing which keeps urging me on. So I keep walking. Keep running. My feet hardly hurt at all anymore.…

  • Min första (och antagligen sista) löptävling

    Idag sprang jag mitt första lopp. Lundaloppet, 10 km stadslöpning. Jag har länge varit övertygad om att tävlingar inte riktigt är min grej. Att springa med folk framför, bakom och runtomkring gör mig stressad, och folk som tittar på triggar min prestationsångest. Men när en grupp från min institution på…

  • The joy of running

    To get up before six o’clock and run in the chilly morning air. For over an hour. Before breakfast. Barefoot. This is a thing I do now. Regularly, even. Just a few years ago the very thought would have appalled me, but as it is I even find myself looking forward…

  • This day a life

    “There is neither happiness nor misery in the world. There is only the comparison of one state with another, nothing more. He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness. We must have felt what it is to die […] that we may appreciate the…