The 2010’s have gone by, and I have been blogging (more or less regularly) throughout the entire time. In the same space of time, I’ve lived out my twenties. Ten years is a staggering amount of time, yet it has flown by faster than pigs with wings. I’ve grown and…
Tag: RPG
This new year
Right then. So the Earth has once again passed that arbitrary point in its orbit which we define as the beginning and the end of a year. The entire event went by without much celebration on my part, since some abstract entity or other saw it fit that I should…
Buckets of Dice
Who am I, again? A hopelessly romantic smuggler in space? A member of the resistance, or a traitor? A bureaucracy demon having had a proposition of the most alphabetic firesome in history turned down by the hottest vampire in the castle? A teenage witch with werewolf-ghoul-fae-human friends? A scientist occasionally…
New Zealand adventures of the fantastic kind
Writer’s block, eh? We meet again. Anyway, what I’ve been wanting but failing to write about for the past couple of weeks are adventures of a geekier kind. Y’know; fantasy, roleplaying, boardgaming, LARPing… that kind of stuff. The kind of stuff I live for. This place isn’t New Zealand so…
Happy old year, and hopeful new one
Good gods. So, so many things are happening in my life, and very soon this year has come to an end. December has been tumultuous and fantastic, much like the rest of the year. A couple of lovely melodic death metal concerts with good company (Amon Amarth and Dark Tranquility,…
Amanda Palmer, fever and awesomeness
Been back for just over a week now. Presently lying at home, snivelling and coughing, attempting to defeat a cold. I shouldn’t be surprised; what with coming home just in time for cold season and getting thrown into cold, dark and rain it is not more than could be expected.…
Frihet, rollspel och queerfeminism
Hemkommen från GothCon sedan nästan en vecka tillbaka, och känslan av nördigt awesomeness som spelkonvent brukar föra med sig sitter fortfarande i. Den här gången har jag dock fått mer att tänka på än spel och underbara människor. Diskussioner på temat feminism i spelnördsammanhang har florerat bland mina vänner, bekanta,…
Roleplaying equals yayness
Hello, little world. Glad to know you still listen to my jabber. Had an awesome time roleplaying last night. I’m so tired I could just fall asleep atop the keyboard today, of course, but meh: totally worth it! Oh the drama. It was the first time I’ve ever put together…