Achievement unlocked: observe all planets through a telescope! Mercury, I got you at last, and in crescent shape nonetheless. This was a most excellent night of stargazing, and just what I needed after these past few weeks of hell. Planets, moons, satellites, star clusters, nebulae, galaxies. Glimmers of hope in…
Tag: Reflections
Det var som att leta efter bevismaterial. Bevis för vad? Inga brott. Bara din existens. Din doft bleknar trots att vi inte tvättar, men dina ord finns kvar. De var det vackraste med dig, och är kanske det jag saknar mest. Bitar av en låt. Ett brev från en rollspelskaraktär.…
Blood moon ramblings
There’s a lunar eclipse. I’m a shitty blogger but I’m writing now anyway. Even though I’ve been emotionally reclusive of late I’d like to at least pretend for a moment that I exist and throw these feelings out into the proverbial aether. Maybe they’ll be relevant to someone, although that…
This new year
Right then. So the Earth has once again passed that arbitrary point in its orbit which we define as the beginning and the end of a year. The entire event went by without much celebration on my part, since some abstract entity or other saw it fit that I should…
Livsgäld: The best LARP I ever went to
My goodness, things have been insanely busy of late. But I guess that’s par for the course when it comes to my life. One of the things I’ve been stressing about is preparations for a LARP which took place last weekend. This sewing clothes-activity isn’t something I much enjoy or…
Where the heart is
Back in Sweden. Everything is the same, but I’m different. A year of mostly travelling has changed me. Not to mention the way I see the world. It feels smaller and friendlier, now that I’ve circumnavigated it. This ground is familiar, but the sky feels strange now that I know…
Feverish musings
Snivel. Here I am, coughing my lungs out, and in a little more than a week I’ll be leaving this lovely town that I’ve been living in for the past half year or so. But not forever. I couldn’t bear it if I had to tell myself I’d be leaving…
New Zealand adventures of the fantastic kind
Writer’s block, eh? We meet again. Anyway, what I’ve been wanting but failing to write about for the past couple of weeks are adventures of a geekier kind. Y’know; fantasy, roleplaying, boardgaming, LARPing… that kind of stuff. The kind of stuff I live for. This place isn’t New Zealand so…
New Zealand
Long time no see, huh. This writer’s block is a funny thing. The longer I put it off, the more I get to write about, and the more difficult and for some reason embarrassing it gets to actually do it. It’s not like I couldn’t have taken the time to…
Happy old year, and hopeful new one
Good gods. So, so many things are happening in my life, and very soon this year has come to an end. December has been tumultuous and fantastic, much like the rest of the year. A couple of lovely melodic death metal concerts with good company (Amon Amarth and Dark Tranquility,…