• These cursed ambitions

    Sometimes I wonder what contentment tastes like. I used to yearn for so many things. Trivial and grandiose. Achievable and impossible. Now I mostly yearn for the pressure to be taken off. Perhaps it is a pressure I’ve enthusiastically submitted myself to in becoming a student, but even so it…

  • One day

    The unbroken spirit obscured and disquiet  Finds clearness this trial demands  And at the end of this day sighs an anxious relief  For the fortune lies still in his hands  If there’s a pensive fear, a wasted year  A man must learn to cope  If his obsession’s real  Suppression that…

  • Inexplicable delight

    Maybe sometimes happiness has a reason. But I think most of the time you simply find yourself with happiness thrust upon you, while you seek to rationalise to yourself the cause of this emotion. This has its uses, I’m sure; if you can identify correlations that may help you do…

  • A one-way love affair

    Oh, mountains. I haven’t been home for two weeks, and I miss you already. Every time I find myself in mountainous terrain I ask myself why I live in this godforsaken flatland of a place, bereft of forest and all. I’m in love, there’s no doubt about it. The deep,…

  • Midwinter reflections

    Happy solstice, everyone. Or Yule or Christmas or New Year’s or whatever it is you do or do not celebrate. The year has been a pretty bad one on a global scale, I’ve reckoned. People I’ve admired has passed away, and there’s been politics and other disasters. But for me…

  • A summer without shoes

    Inspired by a couple of friends who usually ditch their shoes for the warm part of the year I decided to give it a go this summer. Now I think my barefoot transformation is complete. I almost managed to forget my shoes at a friend’s place a while ago. This…

  • Nuet

    Jag stirrar på mina fötter och kan inte minnas varför jag har strumpor på mig. De känns bara som ett konstigt, onödigt skal som interfererar med min kontakt med marken. Jag spenderar en underbar dag i trevligt sällskap. Prioriterar långa samtal om kvällarna framför tillräckligt mycket sömn. Förundras över att…

  • Midsommarkaos

    Halvvägs till vintersolståndet! Nu blir det bara mörkare. Asyllagen går åt helvete, och jag sitter här och ser himlen ljusna och tänker på cirka tusen andra saker. Det är så lätt att vara upptagen med sin egen jävla framtid. Men allt hänger väl ihop på något plan. Det finns inga…

  • Bare feet and glass splinters

    Life goes on. Feelings abound. Down into the deepest trenches, up into and beyond the sky. All in just a few weeks’ time. Somewhere within the pain and euphoria is the thing which keeps urging me on. So I keep walking. Keep running. My feet hardly hurt at all anymore.…