• Livets mening och vinterns lärdomar

    Nu vet jag varför vissa erfarenheter kan kännas så tomma. Vi hungrar efter narrativ. Om ögonblick inte går att knyta ihop till en sammanhängande historia så spelar de ingen roll. Vi står ju inte ut med berättelser som ser ut så. Om en scen inte för handlingen framåt, eller på…

  • On leaving university

    The Earth has completed another orbit around the Sun, and apparently I managed to survive this one as well. As per usual, the close of the year found me at a place I could scarecely have imagined at its beginning. The most profound characteristic of 2018 was that I finally…

  • Undisguised and naked

    [The atmosphere] is for my mouth forever, I am in love with it, I will go to the bank by the wood and become undisguised      and naked, I am mad for it to be in contact with me. — Walt Whitman (Song of Myself) The leaves on the…

  • A wandering mind

    When I say I have a wandering mind I mean that my mind goes off on hiking trips for days. Spontaneously, ill-advised, and often through uncharted territory. And it certainly doesn’t tend to look where it’s going. My mind is prone to getting lost. Forgetting compass and boots at home,…

  • Scaling inner mountains

    Moving to a new place is a pretty effective self-check. This tendency to take on the same social role almost independent of which group one is in is a very strong force, but I’ve been making efforts to counteract it. Not that I’ve been trying to pose as someone I’m…

  • The missing parts of me

    I found the missing parts of me Inside the landscape of my dream Far be it from me to forget That me and all the Earth is one So through this world I will go on While Sun and Moon will rise and set Inside the landscape of my dream…

  • Om du bara visste

    Jag hittade min gamla blogg härom dagen. Den finns fortfarande där ute på internätet om en vet var en skall leta. Tänk att det var över tio år sedan jag började blogga. Den som skriver påminner om mig på många sätt, ibland pinsamt mycket, men är också ganska mycket mer…

  • Paradiset mellan mina händer

    Skam och skuld härskar helt orimligt över mitt liv. När kan jag kasta den ifrån mig? Finns det områden i mitt liv som den inte berör? Ja, jag tror det. Jag har hållit paradiset mellan mina händer. Är inte den insikten nog för att leva ett helt liv i salighet?…

  • I’ve got life

    I have a job!!! A job relevant for my qualifications, even. I have a home, I have friends, I have love, I have a body, I have my health, I have beautiful memories, I have hope for the future, I have the spark of creation surging through my being, I…