Happy solstice and new year and stuff. How have you been? I’ve had an amazing year. There’s been pain too, but all in all I’m just so grateful to be alive. Thank you, past Tim, for hanging in there. It was so worth it, making it through all that shit.…
Tag: Reflections
Autumn equinox musings
I step out into the mist. A golden haze in the first rays of sunshine. The grass is cool between my toes. I breathe in the sweetness of decaying herbs, and my heart expands in gratitude. Welcome, autumn. I’m excited about the gifts you’re bringing. I learned something recently about…
Once upon a solstice
Summer solstice has just rolled around. The Sun doesn’t actually halt at the highest point of its orbit, but nonetheless our human symbol-oriented brains cannot help attaching significance to the event. And why not? Might as well take the opportunity to look down at the orbits of our lives and…
Facts about my brain
Five things I’ve figured out about how my brain works: It processes instructions disturbingly literally. Example: my partner phoned me from the post office, asking if they had forgotten their wallet at home. I checked, and yes, it was. They asked me to come to the post office, and I…
Redemption for a worrying mind
Spring equinox is just around the corner. As usual, I don’t feel ready. For the light, for the heat. For the expectations. Still, there is something stirring within me. My feet are yearning to tread the paths of forest and field. My lungs don’t agree, seeing as they’ve spent the past…
Choosing to thrive
Coming in for landing, at last. New home, nest, lair. New base of operations. Smaller, fewer people. Even more family-like. Priority was given to easy logistics around getting kids to school and ourselves to work, and proximity to forest. Reasonable heating costs. I’ve really grown up, haven’t I? I’m not…
Putting down roots
Putting down roots can be scary. The deeper they grow, the more painful the uprooting will be. Is it worth growing roots in a place if we know we will not remain there? We constantly struggle with the impermanence of existence. Home is a story we tell ourselves, in…
Vardagens rymd
Mina tankar och känslor är alltför upptagna av nuets virvlar för att jag skall orka formulera ord om tillvaron. Så jag lånar ord från Karin Boye, i form av dikten Idyll. Hon fångar livet mer träffsäkert och vackert än jag kanske någonsin kommer förmå, ändå. Din röst och dina steg…
Var går gränsen?
Vet du hur nyfikenhet känns när den fyller upp hela kroppen? När varje sinne längtar efter att utforska. Krippen vibrerar av lust att förlora sig i förnimmelse. Frågan “var går gränsen?” bränner bakom bröstbenet. Var går gränsen för vad jag har lust att utforska tillsammans med dig? Finns det en…
What quitting Facebook did to my FOMO
I stopped logging into Facebook about half a year ago. My partner suggested I’d leave off for a couple of weeks when I complained about feeling stressed. I gave it a go, in face of the fear of missing out. I was afraid my friends would forget about me if…