• Androgynity, how it itches

    Still insanely busy, but just have to share these anecdotes. So, apparently some people have problems with my somewhat androgynous appearance. This weekend I was walking down the streets of Brussels, when two dude-bros started talking loudly as I walked past. Dude-bro 1: “Is that a guy with long hair,…

  • Update of unupdatedness

    AAAAAA GENERAL RELATIVITY MADNESS AAAAARGH In case you wondered about my absence in the blogosphere recently (like, the last couple of months or so). Will return when this insanity is at an end. Expect me when you see me, Winterdragon

  • I love my life

    Wow. It’s been over a week since I posted The Confession, and I am still feeling slightly overwhelmed by all the positive response and love and support I got bombarded with, by friends and strangers alike. This will warm my heart for a long time to come, and when things…

  • I want the world to know

    This might be the most important blog post I have ever written. It is certainly the most difficult one, and the scariest one to post. I’ve been meaning to do it for well over a year now, not managing to summon up enough courage to actually write and publish it.…

  • Sonata Arctica on a perfect Saturday

    Still in a mellow sort of euphoric rush after having seen Sonata Arctica live in concert yesterday in Copenhagen, together with a loved one. The music, the energy, the joy. Headbanging, jumping up and down, and singing along to songs like this one: Ah, pure bliss. And we also had…

  • Sunday, bloody Sunday

    That feeling when you’ve been coding all day and your program is fucked up but you just can’t see what you did wrong and then there turns out to be a friggin’ minus sign missing in one of the equations which in some magical way solves everything when you put…