• The mountains are calling, and I must go

    Sometimes dreams descend upon you rather unexpectedly. Here I was set on trying to find part-time work as a teacher while investing myself in an undoubtedly unhealthy amount of hobbies and creative projects. Then a couple of days ago, more or less out of the blue, I got offered a…

  • The missing parts of me

    I found the missing parts of me Inside the landscape of my dream Far be it from me to forget That me and all the Earth is one So through this world I will go on While Sun and Moon will rise and set Inside the landscape of my dream…

  • Om du bara visste

    Jag hittade min gamla blogg härom dagen. Den finns fortfarande där ute på internätet om en vet var en skall leta. Tänk att det var över tio år sedan jag började blogga. Den som skriver påminner om mig på många sätt, ibland pinsamt mycket, men är också ganska mycket mer…

  • See all the love that’s in me

    6701 words. I’m behind, but not hopelessly so. With some discipline and an effort, I can slay the beast of procrastination and do this thing. I’m still recovering from a cold and one hell of a party last week, so I guess it’s no wonder I haven’t managed to keep…

  • I’ve got life

    I have a job!!! A job relevant for my qualifications, even. I have a home, I have friends, I have love, I have a body, I have my health, I have beautiful memories, I have hope for the future, I have the spark of creation surging through my being, I…

  • My summer so far

    Shock is morphing into joy. I’m doing things that I enjoy every day, together with people I love hanging out with. Without feeling bad about not studying or writing or whatever. Energy levels are picking back up, and I am so excited. About the rest of the summer, and then…

  • Summer solstice musings

    I passed. Not away, but the dissertation. I have a Master’s degree. I’m not a student any longer. How do I feel about it? I don’t know. Triumph? Relief? Joy? Calm? I guess those are the kinds of things I ought to be feeling. But I don’t know. I have…

  • These cursed ambitions

    Sometimes I wonder what contentment tastes like. I used to yearn for so many things. Trivial and grandiose. Achievable and impossible. Now I mostly yearn for the pressure to be taken off. Perhaps it is a pressure I’ve enthusiastically submitted myself to in becoming a student, but even so it…