Hello again. View from “lunch” break at 2 am. Back in the mountains again over the summer, as the fates would have it. Hello, midnight sun. Hello waterfalls and rain-wet birch forests. Hello, lake of coldness. Hello, breathtaking vistas causing my heart to vibrate. It is like returning to a lover.…
Tag: Reality
Livets mening och vinterns lärdomar
Nu vet jag varför vissa erfarenheter kan kännas så tomma. Vi hungrar efter narrativ. Om ögonblick inte går att knyta ihop till en sammanhängande historia så spelar de ingen roll. Vi står ju inte ut med berättelser som ser ut så. Om en scen inte för handlingen framåt, eller på…
Winds of Winter
The weather’s been pretty insane of late. Hurricane winds, and loads of snow with them. Power went out, standing up outside was a challenge. I held a mostly improvised lecture on astronomy, by candlelight, to keep the spirits of the guests at the hotel up. It was fun, haven’t done…
The return of the Luminous One
The Sun is back! All hail the glorious orb of light! After so much darkness, working nightshifts nonetheless, daylight is pretty exciting. There are also loads more people around now. That’s also exciting, but tiring as well. So I think I’ll say fuck you to civilisation right now and go skiing…
Two weeks before sunrise
Views from my windows, at noon. They say the amount of snow is uncharacteristically small for the season, yet it has piled up so high we can hardly see out anymore. Temperatures have dropped below -10 degrees this past week, and the lake has finally frozen over. I went skiing…
On leaving university
The Earth has completed another orbit around the Sun, and apparently I managed to survive this one as well. As per usual, the close of the year found me at a place I could scarecely have imagined at its beginning. The most profound characteristic of 2018 was that I finally…
At home
Back in my paradise. I haven’t seen the sun for three weeks, and I could hardly be happier. Snow. Mountains. Stars. Moon. Aurora. Work. Skiing. Reindeer. Books. Reflection. 20 hours of darkness, 4 hours of twilight. Waiting for the lake to freeze. Joy. Peace. The dragon in its element.…
Transgender Day of Remembrance
Hello world. This is a post which is Actually Important, so please read it. Today is Transgender Day of Remembrance. A day when we remember and honour all the transgender folks who have died because of anti-transgender violence or suicide. I’m not dead yet, and I’m planning to keep it…
Scaling inner mountains
Moving to a new place is a pretty effective self-check. This tendency to take on the same social role almost independent of which group one is in is a very strong force, but I’ve been making efforts to counteract it. Not that I’ve been trying to pose as someone I’m…
All is well
This view greets me after work every morning. I get to go skiing for miles and miles… … amidst MOUNTAINS Just an update to show that I’m alive and well. So, so well. I’m positively thriving. Work is psysically exhausting but I hardly have to use my brain at all.…