• Glädjen sitter i kroppen

    Tänk vilken glädje som kan bubbla upp, helt spontant en tisdagkväll på väg hem från jobbet. Trots cykelpendling tolv kilometer enkel väg, bryter ett stort leende fram, som solen mellan molnen. Trots regn och vind och oändligt många trapphus och att jag behövde jobba över i mer än en timme.…

  • Resignation

    Painting by Clive Barker Happiness consists of getting enough sleep. Just that, nothing more. — Robert Heinlein (Starship Troopers) Why is it so easy to open up a gateway to the void inside? One minute you’re calm and full of sunshine and so fucking on top of things, the next…

  • Summing up a decade

    The 2010’s have gone by, and I have been blogging (more or less regularly) throughout the entire time. In the same space of time, I’ve lived out my twenties. Ten years is a staggering amount of time, yet it has flown by faster than pigs with wings. I’ve grown and…

  • Mountain-loving heart of mine

    Ah, life and its turns. Not a lot of what I’ve been through has turned out quite the way I’d pictured it. That’s what makes it interesting, I suppose. Like now, for instance. Snowed in at a mountain lodge. I won’t be working here this winter, because I need to…

  • A right to be present

    Hello, autumn. Come here and let me love you. I’ve always had a hard time expressing my feelings for summer. Perhaps it is the sheer bounty of it: the light, the growing things, the overwhelming, undeniable multitude of life. Now the air is cooling. The darkness of night is returning.…

  • In the available light

    Another summer under the midnight sun. Hiking for days on mountain-strong legs. Swimming in icy waters, breathing the lovely air. Falling asleep to the sound of rain on the tent. Meeting animals and plants and learning their names. Admiring all the views of the world reaching my eyes by the…