• My not-to-do-list

    I swear I had a profound idea for a blog post the other day. I remember standing by the kitchen sink as it hit me, and I thought that this is too interesting to forget, so I won’t bother writing it down. Naturally, the idea has now escaped me. Drained…

  • Good news

    The year is going fantastic so far. My arm is healing excruciatingly slowly and plans keep getting cancelled, but whatever. Suddenly I have a new job! I will essentially be overseeing the production of audiobooks, in the capacity of someone who knows science. State-produced media for the hard-of-sight and dyslexic.…

  • 2021

    Time to sum up the year, I suppose. I’ll be ending it on a pitiful note: sick with Covid-19 and with my broken arm not yet healed. Thankfully, though, I am fully vaccinated and the symtoms so far are not worse than a bad cold. And I’m living in a…

  • Like a van in the dark

    That challenge worked out pretty well. I didn’t complete the entire thing, but it definitely got a creative spark going, which was the intent after all. I had fun and learned things about endangered animals, at least. But then life happened. Hit me like a van in the dark. Literally,…

  • A new job

    Hi readers! I haven’t forgotten you, I promise, I’ve just been really busy this past month. Suddenly I have a job again! Kitchen duty and cleaning at the hospital. The newness of it all is overwhelming in itself, then add to that occasional odd hours and my inner critic going…

  • This summer, summed up

    First summer in ten years or so with no mountains whatsoever. Despite that, it’s been a really good one. I don’t know if I’ve ever felt so content. Just feeling comfortable in my own body, for starters. Turns out that’s a good prerequisite for enjoying the heat. Yes, even the…

  • Triumph, at last!

    I made it! At long last, I got my motorcycle driver’s licence! It took a lot of time, a lot of money, a lot of help and a lot of sweat and tears (though no blood, thankfully). It’s been more than a week since I nailed the test, and despite…

  • Deserving to live

      Here I was bracing for yet another indefinite period of pain and uncertainty. Exhausted and anxiety-ridden, for the first time I seriously considered actually accepting my doctor’s offer of happy-pills (or mood stabilisers or whatever… I’ve always been terrified of the stuff). Not as a permanent solution, but to…

  • In memory of a loved one

    This is a memorial for Mizar, my companion for the past eleven years. She had to be put down a couple of weeks ago after her chronic kidney failure finally got the better of her. There are a thousand cute, funny, weird and wonderful things I could tell you about…