• What I promised my life partner

    Long time, no see. I’ve been busy with life, to say the least. I got married! A thing I used to vehemently insist I would never want to do. Yet here I am. I love the unpredictability of life. And I love changing. Identity is not a stationary thing, it…

  • Happy old year, and hopeful new one

    Good gods. So, so many things are happening in my life, and very soon this year has come to an end. December has been tumultuous and fantastic, much like the rest of the year. A couple of lovely melodic death metal concerts with good company (Amon Amarth and Dark Tranquility,…

  • I want the world to know

    This might be the most important blog post I have ever written. It is certainly the most difficult one, and the scariest one to post. I’ve been meaning to do it for well over a year now, not managing to summon up enough courage to actually write and publish it.…