I’m sitting here celebrating Transgender Day of Remembrance by eating cake. This is a day where we’re supposed to remember and honor all those who have lost their lives to anti-transgender violence, so this might seem a touch morbid. But yes, I’m fucking celebrating. I’m celebrating that I am transgender…
Tag: Politics
Öppet brev till Tomten
Kära Tomten, Jag har hört att du är kommunist. Du ger ju bort en massa saker frivilligt, och alla som gör det är väl kommunister? Jag vet ju att du vill väl, och det är en fin tanke och så. Men snälla lilla Tomten, det kommer aldrig att fungera i…
In this world all covered up in shame
“Have I gone mad?” “I’m afraid so. You’re entirely bonkers. But I’ll tell you a secret. All the best people are.” Apparently what I am is classed as a mental disease. Not the anxiety and panic attacks (well, maybe those too), but my gender identity. Not necessarily terminal, but definitely…
Lärdomar från matriarkatet
För några veckor sedan levde jag som man i ett matriarkat. Fast bara på låtsas, då. Det var ett lajv. Sigridsdotter. Lätt det bäst arrangerade lajv jag varit på, och dessutom med ovanligt lyhörda och öppensinniga deltagare. Would totally recommend. Några insikter: Könsmakt korrumperar oavsett vem som har makten. Ett…
On freedom of speech
“You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.” — Inigo Montoya in The Princess Bride Freedom of speech, that is. I spent most of last week at the Swedish Book Fair, a huge event with lots of exhibitors, seminars, and thousands of visitors.…
Genderqueer as fuck
Hang in there It will only hurt for a while Just a little bit longer Then you’ll be Legit As Fuck You will have your way And in the end they’ll all forget That there ever was another way You’ll feel at ease with the world And at peace with…
It’s everywhere. It’s bloody everywhere. At bus stops, train stations, bridges. On buses, street-light poles, even on trees. In dark alleys, on brightly-lit streets, all over windows. On cars and bikes. On the outsides of trains, and on the insides too. On the walls of crumbling houses, and even fancy…
Fight like a girl
It’s eighth March, which means international women’s day. This year we’ll smash down the patriarchy once and for all! Get out, get angry, get involved. Fight like a girl! Who’s with me? There is no such thing as justice All the best that we can hope for is revenge A…
Lite allmänt 8:e mars-skanderande
Glad 8 mars, folk! Ni vet, internationella kvinnodagen. Hoppas att ni har gett er ut och demonstrerat. Det är viktigt, för ofta tycks det mig som att det största hindret för framsteg på jämställdhetsfronten är att många inte har insett att det faktiskt finns problem. Könsmaktsordning, systematisk diskriminering, hämmande könsroller och självuppfyllande…
Question everything: thoughts on critical thinking
Past the middle of January, and finally a first trace of snow here in Skåne. I’ve complained about Scanian winter before (rain, mud, icy winds, sleet…), but this is just ridiculous. By meteorological definition it’s not even winter yet. A year without a winter, even a tiny joke of a…