A spiral cord that ties me to my past Spells out in code the story that is I A story of my fate to be outcast And face each morning with a battle-cry Each battle means a chance to build a wall A story is a prison made of…
Tag: Poetry
I walked into the woods
I walked into the woods to look for peace To rid myself of thoughts ceaselessly churning I hoped to find salvation in the trees To still the pain that in my soul was burning I walked into the woods and found despair When looking from a cliff-top at the view…
Once upon a solstice
Summer solstice has just rolled around. The Sun doesn’t actually halt at the highest point of its orbit, but nonetheless our human symbol-oriented brains cannot help attaching significance to the event. And why not? Might as well take the opportunity to look down at the orbits of our lives and…
Gender trouble
“A phantasm, a threat rewriting history” so say the ones who haven’t read the books Can gender be constructed as a mystery refusing to be solved only through looks? Identity presumes there is a you are you prepared to change your view of me? I’m they, my pronoun is a…
Will you hold a space for me?
Will you hold a space for me? Will you welcome me home at the end of a long day if I come bringing pain or shining with joy with cleansing water with your familiar scent with your deep embrace will you carry me over the threshold to a space where…
Från mitt arbetsrumsfönster hör jag korpar ropa Jag lyfter blicken från skrivbordet när mitt hjärta kastar sig ut genom fönstret för att följa dem Vilken nåd att djupt försjunken i huvudets bryderier få bli påmind om livets pulserande närvaro i min kropp i varje ögonblick Kärlek och tacksamhet, Winterdragon
Vardagens rymd
Mina tankar och känslor är alltför upptagna av nuets virvlar för att jag skall orka formulera ord om tillvaron. Så jag lånar ord från Karin Boye, i form av dikten Idyll. Hon fångar livet mer träffsäkert och vackert än jag kanske någonsin kommer förmå, ändå. Din röst och dina steg…
I love to walk
I love to walk To see the world in the available light To feel the horizon urging me on Grateful to wake up warm and dry Grateful to wake up at all Resting in the dark Turning to the light Reflecting grateful for what has been Excited to discover the…
Time to sum up the year, I suppose. I’ll be ending it on a pitiful note: sick with Covid-19 and with my broken arm not yet healed. Thankfully, though, I am fully vaccinated and the symtoms so far are not worse than a bad cold. And I’m living in a…
Undying Tales part 22: Long-whiskered Owlet
death on silent wings fly beyond the cloud forests away from battle Love and death, Winterdragon