Jag fick prova att åka motorcykel härom veckan. Jag körde inte ens, bara åkte med. Allt jag kände var ångest. En orimlig skräck som fick katastroftankarna att avlösa varandra. Tänk om jag dör nu. Jag är så jävla dum i huvudet som frivilligt gör det här. Tänk vad mycket viktigt…
Tag: Motorcycle
Time to sum up the year, I suppose. I’ll be ending it on a pitiful note: sick with Covid-19 and with my broken arm not yet healed. Thankfully, though, I am fully vaccinated and the symtoms so far are not worse than a bad cold. And I’m living in a…
Like a van in the dark
That challenge worked out pretty well. I didn’t complete the entire thing, but it definitely got a creative spark going, which was the intent after all. I had fun and learned things about endangered animals, at least. But then life happened. Hit me like a van in the dark. Literally,…
This summer, summed up
First summer in ten years or so with no mountains whatsoever. Despite that, it’s been a really good one. I don’t know if I’ve ever felt so content. Just feeling comfortable in my own body, for starters. Turns out that’s a good prerequisite for enjoying the heat. Yes, even the…
Triumph, at last!
I made it! At long last, I got my motorcycle driver’s licence! It took a lot of time, a lot of money, a lot of help and a lot of sweat and tears (though no blood, thankfully). It’s been more than a week since I nailed the test, and despite…
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Manouvering
I wasn’t going to write about this publicly until I succeeded. Until I had a result to show the world, a jubilant proof that persistence and hard work pays off in the end. Now that I’ve failed, that seems kind of stupid. Wouldn’t it just feed the social media thing…