• Asexuality: it’s a thing!

    Hi folks! Are you aware that this week is Asexuality awareness week? Well, it totally is! So today, for the first time ever, I’m happy to have a guest writer here on Scribo, ergo sum. A friend of mine, who wishes to remain anonymous, is here to tell you about…

  • The deafening noise my heart makes

    It’s as if you’re pulling your fingers through the darkness within me with all your words and your voice and all of that art and the desire to burn all my bridges, to sail all my ships to completely surrender in the face of the deafening noise my heart makes…

  • A one-way love affair

    Oh, mountains. I haven’t been home for two weeks, and I miss you already. Every time I find myself in mountainous terrain I ask myself why I live in this godforsaken flatland of a place, bereft of forest and all. I’m in love, there’s no doubt about it. The deep,…

  • In memoriam

    I’ve been wanting to write to you for ages now, but nothing comes. I’ve tried, I’ve thought about what I want to say, I’ve even taken the time. But ten weeks have passed, and I’m none the nearer to any declaration of anything at all, or even a poetic rant.…

  • This new year

    Right then. So the Earth has once again passed that arbitrary point in its orbit which we define as the beginning and the end of a year. The entire event went by without much celebration on my part, since some abstract entity or other saw it fit that I should…

  • Happy old year, and hopeful new one

    Good gods. So, so many things are happening in my life, and very soon this year has come to an end. December has been tumultuous and fantastic, much like the rest of the year. A couple of lovely melodic death metal concerts with good company (Amon Amarth and Dark Tranquility,…

  • I love my life

    My life of late? Some ups and downs, but mostly freakin’ sky-highs. A splendid birthday party filled with good friends, nice stories, lovely hugs and two masterpieces of cakes. Beautiful concerts and spectacular shows, great roleplaying, cozy choir-singing, better company than I could ever ask for. Days and nights filled…

  • I will write

    I will write in words of fire. I will write them on your skin. I will write about desire. Write beginnings, write of sin. You’re the book I love the best, your skin only holds my truth, you will be a palimpsest lines of age rewriting youth. You will not…

  • I love my life

    Wow. It’s been over a week since I posted The Confession, and I am still feeling slightly overwhelmed by all the positive response and love and support I got bombarded with, by friends and strangers alike. This will warm my heart for a long time to come, and when things…

  • I want the world to know

    This might be the most important blog post I have ever written. It is certainly the most difficult one, and the scariest one to post. I’ve been meaning to do it for well over a year now, not managing to summon up enough courage to actually write and publish it.…