The 2010’s have gone by, and I have been blogging (more or less regularly) throughout the entire time. In the same space of time, I’ve lived out my twenties. Ten years is a staggering amount of time, yet it has flown by faster than pigs with wings. I’ve grown and…
Lärdomar från matriarkatet
För några veckor sedan levde jag som man i ett matriarkat. Fast bara på låtsas, då. Det var ett lajv. Sigridsdotter. Lätt det bäst arrangerade lajv jag varit på, och dessutom med ovanligt lyhörda och öppensinniga deltagare. Would totally recommend. Några insikter: Könsmakt korrumperar oavsett vem som har makten. Ett…
A summer without shoes
Inspired by a couple of friends who usually ditch their shoes for the warm part of the year I decided to give it a go this summer. Now I think my barefoot transformation is complete. I almost managed to forget my shoes at a friend’s place a while ago. This…
I was a fallen angel
A week ago I was a fallen angel. It was awesome, being part of a legion propagating chaos throughout a world of elves, orcs, dragons, swords, bards and magic. And goodness knows what else. An epic love-story was in it for me, as well, now captured into a song. There…
Till Fjälls!
Off towards adventures! I have these mountains to investigate. Who knows what they look like underneath the snow? And under the midnight sun, nonetheless! Looking forward to a week of wilderness, and then another week of LARPing. Later, Reality! The mountains are calling And I must go Expect me when…
Today? I’ve helped program an asterism into the planetarium in tribute to a dead hero. I’ve also read a fair bit of Almagest, a book written around 150 A.D. by Ptolemy which concerns the cosmological world-view of the time. Arguments for geocentricm, a spherical Earth, fixed stars, and things like that.…
This new year
Right then. So the Earth has once again passed that arbitrary point in its orbit which we define as the beginning and the end of a year. The entire event went by without much celebration on my part, since some abstract entity or other saw it fit that I should…
Livsgäld: The best LARP I ever went to
My goodness, things have been insanely busy of late. But I guess that’s par for the course when it comes to my life. One of the things I’ve been stressing about is preparations for a LARP which took place last weekend. This sewing clothes-activity isn’t something I much enjoy or…
Buckets of Dice
Who am I, again? A hopelessly romantic smuggler in space? A member of the resistance, or a traitor? A bureaucracy demon having had a proposition of the most alphabetic firesome in history turned down by the hottest vampire in the castle? A teenage witch with werewolf-ghoul-fae-human friends? A scientist occasionally…
New Zealand adventures of the fantastic kind
Writer’s block, eh? We meet again. Anyway, what I’ve been wanting but failing to write about for the past couple of weeks are adventures of a geekier kind. Y’know; fantasy, roleplaying, boardgaming, LARPing… that kind of stuff. The kind of stuff I live for. This place isn’t New Zealand so…