• A right to be present

    Hello, autumn. Come here and let me love you. I’ve always had a hard time expressing my feelings for summer. Perhaps it is the sheer bounty of it: the light, the growing things, the overwhelming, undeniable multitude of life. Now the air is cooling. The darkness of night is returning.…

  • The day anew

    Sometimes the night is draped in starless black When nightmares weave from shadows in your head Or sleepless thoughts of everything you lack Create a prison cell out of your bed The night drags on forever in your room Your mind is like a cloud that hides the moon If…

  • In the available light

    Another summer under the midnight sun. Hiking for days on mountain-strong legs. Swimming in icy waters, breathing the lovely air. Falling asleep to the sound of rain on the tent. Meeting animals and plants and learning their names. Admiring all the views of the world reaching my eyes by the…

  • My Feet and the Mountain

    Outside again, at last. My feet are eager to feel the ground, and my lungs to breathe the air. The wind is cold, but friendly, and there is a lot of air to breathe for me today. In, two, three, four, out, two, three, four, five. I take off. The…

  • To love a mountain

    Hello again.  View from “lunch” break at 2 am. Back in the mountains again over the summer, as the fates would have it. Hello, midnight sun. Hello waterfalls and rain-wet birch forests. Hello, lake of coldness. Hello, breathtaking vistas causing my heart to vibrate. It is like returning to a lover.…

  • Without my skin

    I lie awake in bed without my skin I peeled it off last night while you were here I wanted you to feel the blood within I wanted you to know I was sincere You reached into my chest and touched my heart I smiled and opened up my ribcage…

  • On conquering the Iron Throne

    What have you been up to lately? Me, I’ve been adventuring in one of the most beautiful places on Earth, leveling up my physical strength and skiing skills to an astonishing degree, reading an absurd amount of books and thinking really deep thoughts. Oh, and conquering the world, while I’ve…

  • The physiology of sorrow

    Where to begin? Where to pick up the pieces to carry on, after an ending? There is a silence, which is a struggle to break through. Who am I to go on about my petty little feelings? My problems seem insignificant in the face of death. But then, what else…

  • If this isn’t life

    Sunlight in my face To feel the rain upon my skin Icy waters swallowing me Wind to dry again Standing on a mountain top To climb the tallest tree See the birds The stars, the moon Reflected in the sea If this isn’t joy I don’t want no part of…

  • Winds of Winter

    The weather’s been pretty insane of late. Hurricane winds, and loads of snow with them. Power went out, standing up outside was a challenge. I held a mostly improvised lecture on astronomy, by candlelight, to keep the spirits of the guests at the hotel up. It was fun, haven’t done…