• My headphones — they saved my life

    My headphones broke the other day, some two days after the warranty expired. My suspicion grows that all electronic devices are designed to break the week after the warranty expires. Be that as it may, after a couple of days with lack of music on my daily walks the abstinence was…

  • Contemplations and a new year

    Woo! Hundredth post! Kinda sucky considering how long I have been blogging, but worth a cheer nonetheless, I think. Also: woo, new year! I guess. Nothing much exciting about that if you sit down and think about it, but with the mindset heavy-laden with symbols of our culture still clinging…

  • Take Me As I Am

    You know what I think the hardest part of being a vegan is? It’s not resisting the occasional cravings for milk or cheese or fish or bacon or whatever. It’s not the limited options of edible things in many restaurants and supermarkets. It’s not even having to turn down free…

  • Not dead, just busy

    Kind of default state now, this working every waking hour and still have a to do-list two meters long. Oh, how I miss my sanity. But I’m living and learning. A lot. Hopefully I will even remember some of the things when my brain has solidified again after having been…

  • On my loss of wisdom(teeth)

    Long time no update, huh. Guess that pesky “real life” had me absorbed for a while again. Ah well, back to forgetting about its miseries by… whining about them here? Had a really lovely time at the dentist, got a wisdom-tooth pulled out, root and all. Guess I was more…

  • Londa Schiebinger on gender in science

    There was a talk at the physics department today by Londa Schiebinger, professor of history of science at Stanford University. I read a book of hers called Has Feminism Changed Science? as course literature in a course dealing with gender in science, and really liked it, so of course I had…

  • Time of Winter

    And so the clock was winded back an hour and winter time was re-conquered. Bloody finally. Summer time is stupid and should be abandoned forever. Summer is miserable enough as it is, so why bother fiddling with the clock and destroying the nice, dark evenings of potential stargazing? Mlah. Anyway,…

  • Wish I was somewhere else

    In good news: I passed the oral exam on atomic physics! In awesome news: I passed the oral exam on atomic physics with honors! I am not quite sure how this happened. Mostly luck, as in being asked the right questions, I suspect. Nevertheless, it’s a hell of a self-confidence boost! In…

  • Accelerating towards unfinished sentences

    Feelings oscillating between despair, a slight sense of hope, a feeling that everything will probably be okay, mind-boggling terror, and back to despair again. All in a day. Still no apathy though, which I believe is a positive sign. I have never worked so hard for a course as in this one,…