• Where the heart is

    Back in Sweden. Everything is the same, but I’m different. A year of mostly travelling has changed me. Not to mention the way I see the world. It feels smaller and friendlier, now that I’ve circumnavigated it. This ground is familiar, but the sky feels strange now that I know…

  • Vacation

    Still alive, still in New Zealand. Everything is well apart from an annoyingly lingering cold. Seriously, how much mucus is it possible for one body to produce? New Zealand in midwinter is cold, in an unexpected way. The temperature isn’t all that low, usually lying somewhere between 5 and 15…

  • Bittersweet endings

    University is out for the semester. Courses are over and done, whether I passed my finals or not. Results won’t be brilliant, but hopefully good enough. I gave up the high-grade-chasing game a long time ago, since I really quite enjoy having spare time. There are so overwhelmingly many fun…

  • Feverish musings

    Snivel. Here I am, coughing my lungs out, and in a little more than a week I’ll be leaving this lovely town that I’ve been living in for the past half year or so. But not forever. I couldn’t bear it if I had to tell myself I’d be leaving…

  • All-nighter euphoria

    So. True. BOOM. Project report finished. Well, sorta, at least. Still got some details to fix probably, but that is a problem for tomorrow. The equivalent of a bachelor’s project. Ten weeks’ worth of work. I’m about as happy about my accomplishments in this one as with my actual bachelor’s…

  • Buckets of Dice

    Who am I, again? A hopelessly romantic smuggler in space? A member of the resistance, or a traitor? A bureaucracy demon having had a proposition of the most alphabetic firesome in history turned down by the hottest vampire in the castle? A teenage witch with werewolf-ghoul-fae-human friends? A scientist occasionally…

  • Street art

    Just to clear things up after my recent rant. I love street art. There are a lot of nice examples of it in New Zealand, too. Here’s some of what I’ve found.  Love and art, Winterdragon

  • Life and its lemons

    My code is handing me a lot of lemons today. In the form of error messages and ridiculously unreasonable results. I debug and solve some problems, just to have new ones crop up. This was supposed to be a very simple piece of programming. My supervisors are disappointed, and I…

  • Vandalism

    It’s everywhere. It’s bloody everywhere. At bus stops, train stations, bridges. On buses, street-light poles, even on trees. In dark alleys, on brightly-lit streets, all over windows. On cars and bikes. On the outsides of trains, and on the insides too. On the walls of crumbling houses, and even fancy…

  • Easter break

    So I had an easter break. Best easter break ever. I had so many adventures and so much fun that it apparently resulted in a total writer’s block. When it comes to blogging, at least. One of the many awesome things I did during these past three weeks was to…