Hell yes! NaNoWriMo done, and with four whole hours to go. That’s more than I usually manage, in the way of deadlines. The third novel in my trilogy (known by the name of Wings on my Back), is thus complete. The first draft of it, that is. Craptastic as it…
Tag: In English
Exhausted, dazed with a fever and a cold, the apartment in dire need of cleaning and a mountain of dishes to do. The weather is lovely and I should probably take a shower, too. Or make some food. But all those trivialities can wait. I’ve got a novel to finish…
This day a life
“There is neither happiness nor misery in the world. There is only the comparison of one state with another, nothing more. He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness. We must have felt what it is to die […] that we may appreciate the…
Only passing through?
Perhaps I am going somewhere. Perhaps my journey really does have a destination, but if that’s the case I’m not aware of it yet. And I wouldn’t like you to make that assumption for me. Travelling is a state of being in itself, not only something to be passed through…
Blood moon ramblings
There’s a lunar eclipse. I’m a shitty blogger but I’m writing now anyway. Even though I’ve been emotionally reclusive of late I’d like to at least pretend for a moment that I exist and throw these feelings out into the proverbial aether. Maybe they’ll be relevant to someone, although that…
What’s in a name?
I changed my name a few weeks ago. Thought I’d share a few tips on how to handle the situation if you’re going to interact with me, or with someone else you know who’s changed their name. What to do? Use my new name. Not only in my presence, but…
Heart pounding Waiting for the moment I’m not ready Not even nearly But I’ll never be completely So I wait And brace myself In fear and anticipation It’s going to happen Sooner or later I know it has to happen The signs are right The time will come A moment…
Hang in there
Hang in there It will only hurt for a while Just a little bit longer Then you’ll be Legit As Fuck You will have your way And in the end they’ll all forget That there ever was another way You’ll feel at ease with the world And at peace with…
One of my favourite webcomics recently came to an end. Check it out. Also, why would anything be less worthwhile just because it is limited in time? Wouldn’t that rather make it more beautiful? Permanence, on the other hand, now that’s a scary thing. Love and transience, Winterdragon
In memoriam
I’ve been wanting to write to you for ages now, but nothing comes. I’ve tried, I’ve thought about what I want to say, I’ve even taken the time. But ten weeks have passed, and I’m none the nearer to any declaration of anything at all, or even a poetic rant.…