Coming back to life from a cold that had me knocked down for a couple of weeks. Bleh. I spent the fever-dazed time doing productive things such as sleeping, organising my digital bookshelf, losing work-hours, and pimping my blog a little. Look up there! There’s a link to a page…
Tag: In English
Look! A galaxy!
Those are stars. Red giants, specifically. In a dwarf spheroidal galaxy called Leo II. I know that the diagram doesn’t make much sense to most people, unless they happen to be astronomers versed in photometry, but trust me. I’m so happy I’m just about dancing around like an idiot. Because…
Love and stuff
Happy Valentine’s day. I was about to feel bitter about the whole thing, but then wonderful people who I’ve had the privilege to befriend practically bombarded me with love. So even after a hard day’s work I’m left with a feeling of thankfulness instead. Even though many of the aspects…
Under pressure
Love’s such an old-fashioned word And love dares you To care for The people on the edge of the night And love dares you To change our way of caring about ourselves This is our last dance What does love even mean? Winterdragon
Today? I’ve helped program an asterism into the planetarium in tribute to a dead hero. I’ve also read a fair bit of Almagest, a book written around 150 A.D. by Ptolemy which concerns the cosmological world-view of the time. Arguments for geocentricm, a spherical Earth, fixed stars, and things like that.…
Farewell, David Bowie
It is a heavy day. One of my greatest inspirations has passed away. Today this song will accompany my tears, instead of my happily dancing around like an idiot, as it would usually do. The world just got a lot less sexy. Thank you, David Bowie, for everything. You will…
Winter adventure
So winter came at last, and with it a desire for communion with the frozen wilderness. So a hike was ventured, and in great company too. Through woods of naked trees, over hills and past streams and a lake. Even up onto an ancient volcano. All under a shining winter…
Fuck you, 2015. I won’t even bother to recap this year. There has been happiness, but the year in its entirety was tainted by a deep sorrow. I’d rather be looking forwards now. 2016 got off to a good start at least. Being sick and tired of the Christmas and new…
Favourite readings of this year
Ireland is lovely. There’s sun and rain and green hills and steep cliffsites. Bars on every street and Catholic masses. We’re doing our best dodging the holiday spirit and chilling out as hard as possible. Amid sleep-ins, long walks, reading books and watching Full Metal Alchemist my body is starting…
Holidays incoming
And the carcass of the beast Left over from the feast May still be found haunting the kitchen And there’s life in it yet We may live to regret When the ones that we poisoned stop twitching Merry Christmas and happy new year to those who are so inclined. Myself…