Hang in there It will only hurt for a while Just a little bit longer Then you’ll be Legit As Fuck You will have your way And in the end they’ll all forget That there ever was another way You’ll feel at ease with the world And at peace with…
Tag: Gender
This new year
Right then. So the Earth has once again passed that arbitrary point in its orbit which we define as the beginning and the end of a year. The entire event went by without much celebration on my part, since some abstract entity or other saw it fit that I should…
Livsgäld: The best LARP I ever went to
My goodness, things have been insanely busy of late. But I guess that’s par for the course when it comes to my life. One of the things I’ve been stressing about is preparations for a LARP which took place last weekend. This sewing clothes-activity isn’t something I much enjoy or…
My mind has no sex
I work at a planetarium. In my job I get a lot of questions, from children and adults, that I’m supposed to answer to the best of my ability. Questions about stars, planets, galaxies, and the Universe in general. But the hardest question, one which I get from time to…
Mitt sinne har inget kön
Jag jobbar på ett planetarium. I mitt jobb får jag massor av frågor, från barn och vuxna, som det är tänkt att jag skall svara på utefter bästa förmåga. Frågor om stjärnor, planeter, galaxer, och Universum i allmänhet. Men den svåraste frågan, en som jag får då och då, har…
Androgynity, how it itches
Still insanely busy, but just have to share these anecdotes. So, apparently some people have problems with my somewhat androgynous appearance. This weekend I was walking down the streets of Brussels, when two dude-bros started talking loudly as I walked past. Dude-bro 1: “Is that a guy with long hair,…
Londa Schiebinger on gender in science
There was a talk at the physics department today by Londa Schiebinger, professor of history of science at Stanford University. I read a book of hers called Has Feminism Changed Science? as course literature in a course dealing with gender in science, and really liked it, so of course I had…