My job sent me to Japan. They joke at work that I’m becoming the agency’s globetrotter, and I guess it’s mostly true. I am far from complaining. Even though I still, after all these years, turn into a puddle of anxiety before every trip, it’s worth it. I love seeing…
Tag: Gender
Gender trouble
“A phantasm, a threat rewriting history” so say the ones who haven’t read the books Can gender be constructed as a mystery refusing to be solved only through looks? Identity presumes there is a you are you prepared to change your view of me? I’m they, my pronoun is a…
Transgender Day of Visibility
Transgender Day of Visibility has rolled around again, and seeing as we still have a long way to go before trans people have the respect, freedom and safety we deserve, I have a message to declare. It’s not a rant this time, not really. To spare the feelings of possible…
Summing up a decade
The 2010’s have gone by, and I have been blogging (more or less regularly) throughout the entire time. In the same space of time, I’ve lived out my twenties. Ten years is a staggering amount of time, yet it has flown by faster than pigs with wings. I’ve grown and…
On conquering the Iron Throne
What have you been up to lately? Me, I’ve been adventuring in one of the most beautiful places on Earth, leveling up my physical strength and skiing skills to an astonishing degree, reading an absurd amount of books and thinking really deep thoughts. Oh, and conquering the world, while I’ve…
To breathe the air
Sometimes I think I’d like to breathe the air I could go out and meet the world outside But then I think I’d better stay inside Where I am safe from people who would stare Sometimes I think I’d like to see the sun Above the earth, and watch the…
Transgender Day of Remembrance
Hello world. This is a post which is Actually Important, so please read it. Today is Transgender Day of Remembrance. A day when we remember and honour all the transgender folks who have died because of anti-transgender violence or suicide. I’m not dead yet, and I’m planning to keep it…
Celebrating transgender day of remembrance
I’m sitting here celebrating Transgender Day of Remembrance by eating cake. This is a day where we’re supposed to remember and honor all those who have lost their lives to anti-transgender violence, so this might seem a touch morbid. But yes, I’m fucking celebrating. I’m celebrating that I am transgender…
In this world all covered up in shame
“Have I gone mad?” “I’m afraid so. You’re entirely bonkers. But I’ll tell you a secret. All the best people are.” Apparently what I am is classed as a mental disease. Not the anxiety and panic attacks (well, maybe those too), but my gender identity. Not necessarily terminal, but definitely…
Lärdomar från matriarkatet
För några veckor sedan levde jag som man i ett matriarkat. Fast bara på låtsas, då. Det var ett lajv. Sigridsdotter. Lätt det bäst arrangerade lajv jag varit på, och dessutom med ovanligt lyhörda och öppensinniga deltagare. Would totally recommend. Några insikter: Könsmakt korrumperar oavsett vem som har makten. Ett…