My code is handing me a lot of lemons today. In the form of error messages and ridiculously unreasonable results. I debug and solve some problems, just to have new ones crop up. This was supposed to be a very simple piece of programming. My supervisors are disappointed, and I…
Tag: Elegies
Haven’t written in a while. There’s something in the way, a sort of hurdle to get over. I might as well write my way through it. It’s the best way I have of getting thoughts out of the way so that I can move on and find something resembling peace…
Androgynity, how it itches
Still insanely busy, but just have to share these anecdotes. So, apparently some people have problems with my somewhat androgynous appearance. This weekend I was walking down the streets of Brussels, when two dude-bros started talking loudly as I walked past. Dude-bro 1: “Is that a guy with long hair,…
Update of unupdatedness
AAAAAA GENERAL RELATIVITY MADNESS AAAAARGH In case you wondered about my absence in the blogosphere recently (like, the last couple of months or so). Will return when this insanity is at an end. Expect me when you see me, Winterdragon
The hardest part of being vegan
Today is a very busy day for me. Furthermore, it’s an unusually miserable Monday which I’d much rather spend curled up beneath the sheets than studying and meeting people and whatnot. I’ll just do my best to make it through the day, and hope I manage without falling apart mentally…
Turns out the higher you fly, the harder you crash. Bloody nuisance, this thing called “having feelings”.
Unintelligent design
A lot of angst when under stress does not make matters better. Quite the opposite. Efficiency is decreased to the point of approaching zero, not increased as would be desired. Too bad that stress seems to induce angst. A neat little spiral of decreasing mental health, procrastination, chores piling on…
The world’s my oyster soup kitchen floor wax museum
I’ve got a strong cup of tea, King Crimson in my headphones, and inspiration just kicked in. All I need to finally get some work done. Argh, why am I a night person? I should be sleeping, not be pulling an all-nighter just because I never seem to get anything…
It is not a pleasant way to start the day by waking up by choking on your own blood. Just so you know. At least the day didn’t get worse from there on. Have had another wisdom tooth pulled out, and suddenly the wound decided to start bleeding like crazy…
Not dead, just busy
Kind of default state now, this working every waking hour and still have a to do-list two meters long. Oh, how I miss my sanity. But I’m living and learning. A lot. Hopefully I will even remember some of the things when my brain has solidified again after having been…