This, too, shall pass. I should have that phrase tattooed onto my arm, or something. Whatever emotional state I’m in, I have a hard time envisioning ever feeling differently. I have learned from experience that the very idea that a state of mind should last forever is a ridiculous notion,…
Tag: Elegies
All days are nights
I truly love Which is harder to do Than to dream of Love, Winterdragon
When in disgrace
When, in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes, I all alone beweep my outcast state, And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries, And look upon myself and curse my fate, Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, Featured like him, like him with friends possessed, Desiring this…
Eländes elände
Jag hade planer. Det här skulle bli en bra vecka. Jag skulle göra saker. Vara produktiv. Skriva min masteruppsats. Jobba. Smida planer för framtiden. Träna. Vara kreativ, social, ansvarsfull. Sen inledde badrumsgolvet med en hoppspark, och vann på knock-out i första ronden. Det finns trevligare sätt att spendera en tisdagmorgon…
Det var som att leta efter bevismaterial. Bevis för vad? Inga brott. Bara din existens. Din doft bleknar trots att vi inte tvättar, men dina ord finns kvar. De var det vackraste med dig, och är kanske det jag saknar mest. Bitar av en låt. Ett brev från en rollspelskaraktär.…
In memoriam
I’ve been wanting to write to you for ages now, but nothing comes. I’ve tried, I’ve thought about what I want to say, I’ve even taken the time. But ten weeks have passed, and I’m none the nearer to any declaration of anything at all, or even a poetic rant.…
I let myself flow I swim through my mind back and forth My soul still sings the song we wrote together We once had a dream We had everything We rode to the end of the world We rode on searching We climbed skyscrapers But they were destroyed The peace…
Writings and self-beratings
Sigh. I’m in a particularly angsty period at the moment, triggered by all sorts of stuff that really shouldn’t bother me. It makes me useless and unproductive, and the neglecting of chores builds stress which induces further incapacity to get a hold of myself and do something meaningful with my…
Still alive, still in New Zealand. Everything is well apart from an annoyingly lingering cold. Seriously, how much mucus is it possible for one body to produce? New Zealand in midwinter is cold, in an unexpected way. The temperature isn’t all that low, usually lying somewhere between 5 and 15…
Feverish musings
Snivel. Here I am, coughing my lungs out, and in a little more than a week I’ll be leaving this lovely town that I’ve been living in for the past half year or so. But not forever. I couldn’t bear it if I had to tell myself I’d be leaving…