• Gender trouble

    “A phantasm, a threat rewriting history” so say the ones who haven’t read the books Can gender be constructed as a mystery refusing to be solved only through looks? Identity presumes there is a you are you prepared to change your view of me? I’m they, my pronoun is a…

  • Facts about my brain

    Five things I’ve figured out about how my brain works: It processes instructions disturbingly literally. Example: my partner phoned me from the post office, asking if they had forgotten their wallet at home. I checked, and yes, it was. They asked me to come to the post office, and I…

  • Redemption for a worrying mind

    Spring equinox is just around the corner. As usual, I don’t feel ready. For the light, for the heat. For the expectations. Still, there is something stirring within me. My feet are yearning to tread the paths of forest and field. My lungs don’t agree, seeing as they’ve spent the past…

  • Choosing to thrive

    Coming in for landing, at last. New home, nest, lair. New base of operations. Smaller, fewer people. Even more family-like. Priority was given to easy logistics around getting kids to school and ourselves to work, and proximity to forest. Reasonable heating costs. I’ve really grown up, haven’t I? I’m not…

  • Don’t hesitate

    If you suddenly and unexpectedly feel joy, don’t hesitate. Give in to it. There are plenty of lives and whole towns destroyed or about to be. We are not wise, and not very often kind. And much can never be redeemed. Still, life has some possibility left. Perhaps this is…

  • Will you hold a space for me?

    Will you hold a space for me? Will you welcome me home at the end of a long day if I come bringing pain or shining with joy with cleansing water with your familiar scent with your deep embrace will you carry me over the threshold to a space where…

  • It’s alive!

    *dramatic drum roll followed by fanfare* It’s alive! After two weeks of wrestling with WordPress, acutely aware of my utter lack of website building competence, a new blog has risen from the ashes of Scribo, ergo sum. Welcome, each and everyone, to Poetic Life. I am shedding my old pseudonym Winterdragon and will henceforth…

  • Putting down roots

    Putting down roots can be scary. The deeper they grow, the more painful the uprooting will be.   Is it worth growing roots in a place if we know we will not remain there?    We constantly struggle with the impermanence of existence. Home is a story we tell ourselves, in…

  • Efter-semestern-dikt

     Från mitt arbetsrumsfönster hör jag korpar ropa Jag lyfter blicken från skrivbordet när mitt hjärta kastar sig ut genom fönstret för att följa dem Vilken nåd att djupt försjunken i huvudets bryderier få bli påmind om livets pulserande närvaro i min kropp i varje ögonblick Kärlek och tacksamhet, Winterdragon