To blog or not to blog, that is the question

Been thinking about why I stay committed to blogging. Not all that committed, admittedly, seeing as I’ve averaged a measly one post per month for the past few years. The occasional poem, photo, lament or squee of glee for the past twelve years or so, and still I haven’t decided on a topic or even tried very hard to become a Voice on the Web.

Maybe it’s become just a principle thing. An inexplicable urge to contribute my ramblings to the general digital posterity. A habit I can’t seem to shake, even though it really isn’t anywhere near a high priority in my life. Since I quit Facebook most of my friends and acquaintances have lost interest as well, so the excuse of keeping people outside my day-to-day social sphere in the loop isn’t valid anymore.

Is it fear of somehow ceasing to exist, to become less real, if my words aren’t granted even the possibility to reach out through the internet? Maybe I should accept that in that regard I have already disappeared, because it appears as if only that which appears in people’s feeds has a chance to have an impact on their lives.

I think I’ve grown too tired for social media. I’ve been feeling so much more focused and relaxed, even happy, since I stopped tormenting myself with the neverending hunt for likes and constant reminders of all that I’m missing out on. Maybe this blog has served its purpose, too.

Or maybe I’m simply fed up with Google owning my data. We’ll see. I might still have things to say for which a blog would be a suitable platform. But I think if this particular blog will have a chance to survive, it will have to go through some kind of rebirth, and a clearer statement of purpose.

To be continued, maybe…


Published by Winterdragon

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