Storytelling is my greatest passion right now. I have yet to have a show recorded, and storytelling is best experienced live in any case. Currently the safest bet for hearing me tell everything from myths and folk tales to scientific factual narratives is to show up at the storytelling cafés organised by Berättargruppen Ägir, of which I am part. They occur at least on the first Wednesday of every month in Malmö, but keep your eyes on the Facebook page for announcements of additional events.
- A lot of my poetry is published on this web page. This link will take you straight to the blog posts containing poetry.
- My queer horror story The Other is published in a gothic short story anthology: These Dark Things.
- I wrote an essay on barefoot running and how it helped me battle dysphoria. It is published in this anthology (in Swedish): Några varv runt jorden, bara.
- Me and my bonus kid Niki created an advent-calendar story together: En varm vinter (in Swedish). Niki did most of the imagining, I contributed as ghost writer, editor and narrator. You can listen to En varm vinter on SoundCloud!
- I have spent quite some time at Sisters Hope Home, exploring my poetic self. I left a trace of my presence on Sisters Hope’s blog.
- Sometimes my friends turn my poems into song lyrics. A dear one requested a poem celebrating femininity for their birthday, and I obliged. Another dear one turned it into a song: here is the music video for Jorden mot din rygg!
- I used to play folk music in a group called Lustspel. Here’s one of Lustspel’s Christmas concerts recorded. It features (among many other things) fun antics, me on cello, and a folk tune I wrote lyrics to.
- Just in case you thought I was making up my background as an astrophysicist: here’s my master’s thesis. I’m not very proud of it, but I did learn a lot in the process.
- If you’re wondering what I’m doing at my current job, take a look at this presentation I gave at the Digital Publishing Summit. Basically I talk about how to teach a robot to speak Math, so that books on Science can be made accessible for people with reading impairments.
- Tabletop roleplaying games used to be a passion of mine. Even though my D&D days are over, I’m still up for the occasional one-shot. Here’s Överlevnad (in Swedish), a narrativist, GM-less game about coping strategies that I designed back in the day.