Gender trouble

“A phantasm, a threat rewriting history”
so say the ones who haven’t read the books
Can gender be constructed as a mystery
refusing to be solved only through looks?

Identity presumes there is a you
are you prepared to change your view of me?
I’m they, my pronoun is a challenge too
to treat me not just based on what you see

To limit freedom keeps us all from growing
Go show the world, go show the fascist nation
There’s nothing like a ban to get us going
My gender means that life is transformation

Are you afraid because the thought is fresh?
Your gender—an idea imposed on flesh

Inspired by hearing Judith Butler speak, in the flesh. Their words stirred me deeply. Deeply enough to reawaken my inner Shakespeare, evidently. The scholar in me wished I could slow down time so I could digest every word and not miss a molecule of meaning. Luckily the poet in me paid just enough attention to take away a gist.

Love and admiration,

Published by Tim

I am a shape-shifter and word-bender. Driven by curiosity and with a boundless apetite for life. Fear is a challenge I tend to accept. Having walked the streets of Science, I now explore the paths of Poetry.

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