Yoga and skeletons

Damn it. I have officially failed in the continuity of my blogging. For the past twelve years I have managed to post at least once a month, until now. Oh well, life goes on. Not like anyone other than me had noticed it, in any case. 

October was a pretty hectic month. Going on a work trip to Iceland took up a lot of mindspace, and on top of that I had no less than three storytelling gigs and a fair bit of family drama dropped on me. But I’m doing fine. I haven’t been ill since July (knock on wood), and even then it was only a mild cold for a couple of days. Ordinarily I would have been knocked out for a week at least twice this time of the season.

It could be the yoga, if I am to believe my instructor. I’ve been doing ashtanga yoga 5-6 times a week for the past ten weeks. I’m completely in love with it, to the point where I’m finding myself looking forward to the next morning, just so I can indulge in my hour on the mat. We’ll see if I manage to stick with it, but I think so. It is addictive, having the body do the same sequence of movements every day. And the breathing. Like infusing the body with a relaxed focus and mild euphoria which lasts for most of the day.

This month is looking just as busy as the last one. Next up: work trip to London. Gonna be exciting and exhausting for sure. But I’m bringing my yoga mat. I’m letting peace infiltrate my soul. And continue kicking ass at life. Check out my halloween costume below, for example. I even coloured my hair for it. And if you haven’t read Gideon the Ninth yet, you’re missing out.

book cover of gideon the ninth

me dressed as gideon

Love and skeletons,

Published by Tim

I am a shape-shifter and word-bender. Driven by curiosity and with a boundless apetite for life. Fear is a challenge I tend to accept. Having walked the streets of Science, I now explore the paths of Poetry.

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