I step out into the mist. A golden haze in the first rays of sunshine. The grass is cool between my toes. I breathe in the sweetness of decaying herbs, and my heart expands in gratitude. Welcome, autumn. I’m excited about the gifts you’re bringing.
I learned something recently about goals. If you’re working towards 1-3 goals at the same time, you will typically reach 1-3 of them. If you’re working towards 4-7 goals, you will typically reach 1 of them. If you’re working towards 8 goals or more you will typically reach 0. Humans are bad at multitasking. Actually, we’re incapable of it. And shifting our focus has limitations.
No wonder most of my projects have either amounted to nothing or dragged on forever. Or that I have tended to burn out after refusing to let go of ambitions set way too high. I haven’t allowed myself to focus. I’ve wanted so many things and I’ve wanted them all at the same time. It didn’t seem unrealistic to learn how to do a handstand, bake sourdough bread, write a novel, run a marathon, write a master’s thesis, host couchsurfers, read a lot of books, publish a roleplaying game, compete in poetry slam, learn to meditate and maintain more than ten close relationships at the same time.
I’m trying to be less insane nowadays. I have chosen three things to focus on this fall. Three areas of learning and development, which I prioritise over most other things that come my way.
- Storytelling. Taking a course, joining a group, hosting storytelling nights, performing in several contexts.
- Project management at work. Learning the bureaucracy, planning, coordinating, writing, travelling, leveling up a lot of skills.
- Yoga. Taking a course in ashtanga yoga, getting up early in the morning to practice several times a week, being present in my body for at least an hour every day.
I think it’s working out well. These three things make for a nice synergy. Something creative, something professional and something physical. Body, mind and spirit each get their share. Most of the time I feel inspired and full of joy.
Sometimes my thoughts churn away and stress begins to eat at me, though. I can tell by the way I suddenly notice that my jaw is all tensed up. But the body says: remember you have to breathe. The body says: take the time to breathe. So I do.
I plan for time when I’m not allowed to be productive. I plan for time to do what my body craves. Walk in the woods. Take a hot bath or a cold swim. Drink another cup of tea. Have a snack. Listen to delicious music in my brand new headphones. Dance. Sleep.
Time to yield to the body’s cravings. What cravings does autumn bring for you? And what do you choose to focus on?
Love and gratitude,