Five things I’ve figured out about how my brain works:
- It processes instructions disturbingly literally. Example: my partner phoned me from the post office, asking if they had forgotten their wallet at home. I checked, and yes, it was. They asked me to come to the post office, and I did. Only when I got there and they asked me to give them their ID I realised that Oh right! There was an unspoken instruction that I should have brought the wallet along, which I completely missed.
- When it does attempt to fill in the blanks, it tends to assume the worst. Like a vampire, I am basically incapable of entering a social space without an express invitation. Because if someone tells me about this fun thing that they and their friends plan to do that evening, surely that’s just an FYI because why would they want to have me along if they didn’t say so?
- Even though I am aware that my brain does these things, it still very much continues to do them.
- About 5 % of my brain capacity is permanently dedicated to generating puns. When I sleep is no exception. Example: If you have a pillow stuffed with down, you can say that sweet dreams are made of geese.
- Forgiveness seems to be a concept my brain can grasp, after all. I am learning to be patient with my stupid, clever, entertaining brain.
Love and braaaains,