I swear I had a profound idea for a blog post the other day. I remember standing by the kitchen sink as it hit me, and I thought that this is too interesting to forget, so I won’t bother writing it down. Naturally, the idea has now escaped me. Drained down the kitchen sink like the last drops of cold tea from my cup, probably.
So here’s a stream of consciousness instead, because it’s been a while since I did one of those in public. I do them mostly every day in my diary, of course, and they’re ususally so mundane I begin to question whether it’s worth jotting them down at all. What interest could posterity possibly have in my plans for an ordinary fucking tuesday? There’s not much of poetry in to do-lists.
Or could there be? What if I were to write a NOT to do-list? Surely that would hold some poetic value. And also potentially be more of use than my ever overly ambitious excuses to feel like a failure. What the hell, let’s give it a try:
What NOT to do tomorrow
- Remain in bed feeling sorry for myself when the alarm goes off
- Tell myself what a failure I am for all the things I don’t find time for
- Waste my energy on things or people I feel half-hearted about out of a sense of guilt
- Feel bad for saying no
- Get carried away thinking I have to finish everything I start
- Let the day go by without feeling gratitude
What would such a day be like? I’m gonna give it a go and see.
What would your not to do-list look like?
Love and ramblings,