
Undying Tales part 1: Iriomote Cat

I guess some of you have heard of Inktober and the like. A challenge where one is supposed to draw every day of October, based on a list of prompts. Drawing is so far beyond my comfort zone I haven’t even considered participating, but thanks to a friend I realised today that I can just convert the challenge into any art form I like. So here’s a challenge from the artist Stephanie Law called Undying Tales. My aim is to re-ignite my poetic spark by writing a poem a day, inspired by this list of endangered animals. Come along and let’s goooo!

I saw you in the woods today

your hair was the colour of fallen leaves

or was it fur?

It’s been so long since I saw you in life

can you blame me for not recalling

whether your hair is red or brown

or whether you are entirely human

The way your footsteps made absolutely no sound

as you trod on the moss

gave me the feeling

that you’ve been following me all this time

I saw you in the woods today

and I smiled

Love and poetry,


Published by Winterdragon

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