Wings on my Back – completed!

You know what? I was so psyched about the motorcycle driving licence (yes, I’ve been taking rides every excuse I can get) that I completely forgot to yell about the fact that I accomplished another big thing the very same week. Namely: I FINALLY FINISHED MY GODDAMNED NOVEL!!!

Having worked on it for 8+ years, it feels absolutely surreal to finally see the thing completed, edits and all. I’ve already sent it to one publisher, and intend to send it to any place I can find that publishes fantasy books in English. Do you know of a place that might be interested? Please let me know! My hopes of actually succeding are none too high, because I do know the odds and the goblin of self-criticism on my shoulder is laughing hysterically at the thought of my story being good enough to deserve being printed. But you never know, and at least I can say that I tried! If I have no luck whatsoever I might consider self-publishing, but right now I’m just gonna let the feeling of having completed my first big writing-project sink in.

The best thing about finishing something is that it leaves room for other stuff in your brain. Now I feel free to pursue other projects. First up will be a short story I think, requested by my favourite tiny author friend. Onwards to new adventures of the imagination!

Love and success,


Published by Winterdragon

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