
Don’t Panic!

Do you know where your towel is?

If you don’t get it: I highly recommend reading some Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett. I guarantee intellectual stimulation, many good laughs and plenty of wisdom concerning Life, the Universe and Everything. 

If you do get it: hello, fellow nerd. I love you. Seeing as you’re already into Adams, did you know he also wrote things completely unrelated to The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy? I firmly suggest reading Last Chance To See. As for Terry, I sure hope you haven’t skipped reading the Tiffany Aching series just because it’s on the YA shelf. They’re among the best of the Discworld books, in my opinion.

Whether you get it or not, today would be an excellent day to donate to the Alzheimer’s Research Foundation.

For Truth, Freedom, Justice and Reasonably Priced Love!

(and a hard-boiled egg I guess)


Published by Winterdragon

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