Normality is the new adventure

Long time, no see. Again. As usual, the longer I go without writing, the harder it is to think of something to write about. When I write every day or so it all just flows, but now there are so many things I could write about that I kind of drown in the possibilities. But oh well, the words want to find their way out into the world, and who am I to deny them when I’ve worked so hard to acquire the gift of channeling them from the great space of existence within me?

So here I am, granted an extra day of the year, with a cup of tea to drink and a cat making herself comfortable in my lap. I’m invited to four different parties tonight, and I’m not going to any of them. Rain is falling and my limbs and head and eyelids are heavy with tiredness. Still, I can feel something stirring inside me. An excited contentment with the state of things is welling up in my heart and seeping through my skin.

I have a job. For the first time in my life, I have a full-time daytime job, with fixed hours and a fixed salary. I’m a postman now, which means getting up before dawn and then spending the day sorting stuff and then cycling around and running up stairs, delivering things to their intended place. After a week I’m already feeling that it suits me. I can do this, and I even like doing it. 

The abundance of free time versus money has been reversed, and my energy levels after work are barely enough for lying on the couch reading a book. But that’s okay. I’ll get used to it. It is a funny thing, to be excited about something so normal as just a stable life situation. But I’ve never had that until now. I’m thirty years old, and up until now my situation has been precarious to various degrees. When my parents or grandparents grew up I guess it would have been common to have achieved this by age twenty, but I don’t think this is so unusual in my generation.

I don’t know. Some day I suppose my restless soul will awaken again and send me off adventuring across the world, but right now I’m perfectly happy about the way things are. Something to depend upon. Something to rest in. An opportunity to reset and recharge.

Well, that’s all I can think of sharing for now. There might be more profound things coming up, so stay tuned…

Love and normality,


Published by Winterdragon

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