
If this isn’t life

Sunlight in my face

To feel the rain upon my skin

Icy waters swallowing me

Wind to dry again

Standing on a mountain top

To climb the tallest tree

See the birds

The stars, the moon

Reflected in the sea

If this isn’t joy

I don’t want no part of joy

If this isn’t freedom

I don’t know what freedom is

If this isn’t life

I might as well be dead

Dancing in the streets

To see the smile upon your face

Wrapped up in your arms

The way my heart begins to race

Talking through the night

To feel your fingers on my skin

Telling all my secrets

Just to let somebody in

If this isn’t peace

I don’t want no part of peace

If this isn’t love

I don’t know what love is

If this isn’t life

I might as well be dead

I could ski

I could climb

I could swim

I could run forever

To the end of the world

Maybe some day I will

But not this day

Today I miss you

So I’m gonna run

I will jump

I will dance

I will love forever

Till the day that I die

And some day I will

But not this day

I’ll be coming home tonight

If this isn’t home

I could do without a home

If this isn’t me

I don’t care who I am

If this isn’t life

I might as well be dead

Love and wonder,


Published by Winterdragon

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