Imparting wisdom on the next generation

Summer’s job is at an end, and I’m back off to school. I have mentioned that I have the best job, right? Some things I’ve accomplished these past few weeks:

  • Coming home from work covered in coca cola, glitter, cocoa powder and paint.
  • Telling kids about Lund University’s Super Secret Rocket Launch Pad, which incidentally is disguised as a parking lot.
  • Failing to launch nine rockets.
  • Teaching kids that rock-paper-scissors is a perfectly legit part of the scientific method.
  • Making sure that not a single one of the kids now know how to correctly spell ‘telescope’.
  • Learning that the key to keeping kids from fighting lies in distraction. Much like cats, really.
  • Getting more questions about my bare feet than about anything space-related. As per usual.
  • Going to work every single work-day for five weeks’ full-time work!!! Maybe I’m finally learning to cope with reality.

No need to thank me! Just making sure there is hope for the next generation!

Love and work,


Published by Winterdragon

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