• To give up who I used to be

      A spiral cord that ties me to my past Spells out in code the story that is I A story of my fate to be outcast And face each morning with a battle-cry Each battle means a chance to build a wall A story is a prison made of…

  • What I promised my life partner

    Long time, no see. I’ve been busy with life, to say the least. I got married! A thing I used to vehemently insist I would never want to do. Yet here I am. I love the unpredictability of life. And I love changing. Identity is not a stationary thing, it…

  • Adventures in Japan

    My job sent me to Japan. They joke at work that I’m becoming the agency’s globetrotter, and I guess it’s mostly true. I am far from complaining. Even though I still, after all these years, turn into a puddle of anxiety before every trip, it’s worth it. I love seeing…

  • The longest journey

    The longest journey is the one within A multitude of pathways to explore  Infinity resides beneath your skin Inviting you to travel to the core Each step you take will have to be your own In silence you must face what comes your way The darkest road you have to…

  • A year of celebration

    Happy solstice and new year and stuff. How have you been? I’ve had an amazing year. There’s been pain too, but all in all I’m just so grateful to be alive. Thank you, past Tim, for hanging in there. It was so worth it, making it through all that shit.…

  • Yoga and skeletons

    Damn it. I have officially failed in the continuity of my blogging. For the past twelve years I have managed to post at least once a month, until now. Oh well, life goes on. Not like anyone other than me had noticed it, in any case.  October was a pretty…

  • Autumn equinox musings

    I step out into the mist. A golden haze in the first rays of sunshine. The grass is cool between my toes. I breathe in the sweetness of decaying herbs, and my heart expands in gratitude. Welcome, autumn. I’m excited about the gifts you’re bringing. I learned something recently about…

  • A story about the end of the world

    Once upon a time, there was the Creator. The Creator loved to create, and the Creator made People. And the Creator loved the People. The Creator wanted People to experience the joy of creation, and gave them creativity. The People created Art. And the People loved Art. They created all…

  • I walked into the woods

    I walked into the woods to look for peace To rid myself of thoughts ceaselessly churning I hoped to find salvation in the trees To still the pain that in my soul was burning I walked into the woods and found despair When looking from a cliff-top at the view…

  • Once upon a solstice

    Summer solstice has just rolled around. The Sun doesn’t actually halt at the highest point of its orbit, but nonetheless our human symbol-oriented brains cannot help attaching significance to the event. And why not? Might as well take the opportunity to look down at the orbits of our lives and…